Local Artist Spotlight: Sara Huber

We are happy to feature the work of local photographer Sara Huber (www.sarahuberphoto.com).  Sara is a Connecticut based dog photographer specializing in d

ynamic portraits, elevating dogs to supermodel status. Working with dogs of all breeds, sizes and ages from big to small, puppy to senior, Sara creates fine-art pieces, and memories to last a lifetime.

Sara also does portraits of rescue dogs that are up for adoption to help rescue centers promote these pups in need.

We invite you to visit us and view her gallery.  While we don’t allow dogs inside our facility (although permitted with leashes on our adjacent grounds), we couldn’t resist the opportunity to allow them in framed format.


If you would like to learn more about Sara’s work or engage her for a project of your own, please visit:


IG: @sarahuberphoto

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