Camden Fuller Solo

Join us for free live music with Camden Fuller. Camden is a local 19 year old musician from Simsbury, Connecticut. He plays a wide array of music from acoustic classics […]

Farmington Valley Folk Jam

Some Valley musicians have inspired us to host an open-seat, all acoustic, jam session. Bring your instrument of choice and come grab a seat with the troupe. Wednesday nights are […]


We’re playing the entire Alice In Chains MTV Unplugged album! The AIC set will be followed by a set of grunge and alternative hits.

Dead Show with Mark Paradis

Rock your Saturday night with live music with Mark Paradis performing your favorite Dead tunes. $10 cover

Low Key Trio with Rob Duguay

Rob Duguay is a Simsbury native living in NYC. The Low Key Trio is going to bring good vibes! Swing, Groove, Blues, Samba, Music!