RGB Band
RGB-ROB GLASSMAN BAND Rob Glassman - guitar/vocals Chris Gilbransen - guitar/vocals Joe Scialla - drums Jan Goldstein - bass
RGB-ROB GLASSMAN BAND Rob Glassman - guitar/vocals Chris Gilbransen - guitar/vocals Joe Scialla - drums Jan Goldstein - bass
$5 German/European draughts, and $5 brats/kielbasa/jumbo hot dog (in a bun with chips)
We host a happy hour and chilled Oyster Bar on Thursday evenings!
The Substitutes' style of music ranges from the 60's British Invasion to today's modern rock.
Join us for an extra special day as we feature both a vinyl (record player) DJ from 1-4 and digital DJ from 4-7 playing mom’s requests. Thumb through the vinyl […]
$5 German/European draughts, and $5 brats/kielbasa/jumbo hot dog (in a bun with chips)
We host a happy hour and chilled Oyster Bar on Thursday evenings!
Join us as we celebrate the relighting of Heublein Tower! The event runs from Noon until 10pm and features a bunch of great attractions, including: Live Music acts all day: […]
"Shakedown is New England's Grateful Dead Tribute Band since 1987. Dave Frankel: Guitar, vocals Mike Kinghorn Bass and vocals Dan O'Connor: Drums" Live from the outdoor stage. 18+, $5 cover